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Empowering Life’s Journey

with Health Innovation & Functional Game-Changing Products Conveniently Embedded into Everyday Lifestyles


Mamotion® refers to “Our Motion or Movement”, or in this case to you (our dear readers & customers) “Your Motion or Movement” towards Your Goals

We think of Mamotion® as a mission to bring All together, to form a “Collective Motion of The Empowered” (or a Welcoming Community of those empowered to do beautiful things they aspire to do in life without limit)

We work towards an optimal blend of health benefits, comfort, style & sustainability, enhancing comfort, wellness & convenience to empower your daily performance

Home Wellness

Period Wear

Mamotion Lifestyle

Smart Activewear

Smart Essential Wear

Smart Innerwear

GreenTech Activewear

GreenTech Essential Wear


Our Social Missions

At Mamotion®, our journey towards social missions is driven by a compelling need for change. Here's why we're committed to making a difference


Why we set out on our social missions

Throughout one person’s roughly 38 years of menstruation, one uses up between 10,000 to 15,000 disposable period products. Not only a financial burden to many, these products turn into 2 billion tons of plastic waste yearly

  • Each one-time-use disposable products like sanitary pads contains an average plastic components equivalent to 4-5 plastic shopping bags. With just a few hours of useful life, they turn into a huge amount of waste, including plastic waste that generally will live on for at least 500-800 years

  • ️️Additionally, at roughly 20 to 30 cents apiece, sanitary products cumulatively cost a person up to $4,500. That amount surpasses a full year of income in about 20 countries. For some, that’s enough to pay for a house!

  • According to UNICEF, a concerning 2.3 billion people worldwide still lack adequate access to basic sanitation products & standards, including quality period products. At the same time, discussions about menstruation & women's health still remain a taboo in numerous regions, resulting in limited knowledge-sharing and awareness about health & hygiene best practices. When coupled with financial constraints, many resort to using inadequate alternatives such as rags or natural sponges, exposing themselves to serious health risks. This dire circumstance not only disrupts education and employment, but also perpetuates a vicious cycle of poverty and deprivation.

Compelling Needs For Change:


1. Period Poverty

Why should people, in about a quarter of the world, spend more than a full year of income on sanitary products, without easy access to more cost-effective options?


2. Compounding Environmental Impact from single-use products

Must we play a part in adding to the 2 billion tons of plastic waste created annually, simply due to our ongoing reliance on single use plastic-based sanitary products? Is it really necessary that this continues to be the norm? What does this mean to the future of our planet?


3. Result of Stigma & taboo surrounding women health & menstruation topics

Why are countless individuals still being denied access to vital information, so crucial to sustaining basic welfare & quality of life, all due to the enduring stigma & taboo that end up inhibiting open conversations & necessary knowledge-sharing to spread sufficient awareness on such important topics?

Surely, a more sustainable & cost-effective alternative to disposable menstrual products is direly needed. These products not only need to be widely accessible to people who need them around the world, but also must be accompanied by improved access to essential knowledge about women's health & well-being

So join us in our missions & collectively become a force towards changes that make a difference


1. Be the Motion, Make an Impact

Mamotion® has a social mission to make reusable period products & necessary health-promoting products available to communities in need.

We give out free pairs of Mamotion® Period-Wear, necessary health & hygiene products, test-kits, and donations to select communities in need each year.

You can join us in our effort to advance period equity and foster better health & well-being for all.


Give Back Bundle

Support our social mission by purchasing any of our Give Back Bundles.

For each Give Back bundle purchased, we donate 1 pair of Mamotion® Period Wear to those in need.


Impact Gift Cards

You can also join our social mission through Impact Gift Cards.

100% of proceeds from the Impact Gift Cards will be donated to selected charities each year.


Did you know?

  • In Malawi, a pack of sanitary pads can cost more than a whole day’s pay

  • 1 in 10 girls in Africa miss school because they don’t have access to sanitary products

  • Most of these communities are not at all aware of the existence of effective reusable period products that can help them save on expenses, increase hygiene level, and truly support their monthly period need, lifting up their quality of life


2. Sustainability Mission

The sheer volume of waste produced by the continued disposal single-use period products, along with the amount of waste generated by the broader clothing industry, is nothing short of alarming, with serious long-term repercussions for the environment.

▪ If disposable hygiene products continue to be the norm, 2.4 billion people who are at the age of menstruation globally will discard about 800 billion sanitary products, or about 2 billion tons, in just a year.

▪ According to the Women’s Environment Network, disposable period products contain up to 90% plastic. With 1 pad containing the equivalence of 4-5 plastic shopping bags, each individual using disposables can generate a shocking 40,000 – 60,000 bags worth of period-related plastic waste in their lifetime.

▪ At the same time, about 92 million tons of clothes-related waste are being generated each year.


At Mamotion®, we're committed to combating this crisis through various avenues:


Product Design

Our products, like period wear, are meticulously developed and designed to fundamentally reduce waste by way of its function, as well as by their durability & resulting prolonged lifespan


Material Selection

We prioritize environmentally friendly materials, with some options made from sustainable textiles and materials, and some being biodegradable, with the goal of having minimal ecological footprint



Our packaging is consciously designed and sourced to minimize plastic waste and be as environmentally-conscious as possible


Promotion and Awareness

At the core of our mission is to support the adoption of reusable products, and encourage practices of reuse, recycling, and upcycling, with the ultimate goal of reshaping consumer habits towards sustainability


Facilitate Sustainable Lifestyles

We tirelessly work to create high-quality apparels and lifestyle products that utilize eco-friendly materials and designs, without compromising on style, varieties and functionalities, making it easier & more convenient for all to adopt a more sustainable lifestyle


You can join forces with us and make an impact, by supporting our sustainability-focused product collections


Did you know?

There are 92 million tons of clothes-related waste each year, which end up in landfills

  • Globally, just 12% of the material used for clothing ends up being recycled

  • Clothing industry is also responsible for ~8-10% of global carbon emissions

With just 4 -8 hours of useful life, plastic-centric single-use period products will live on for at least 500 - 800 years after their brief usefulness

  • For those harmful plastics that don’t end up in landfill, they invade our oceans, waterways and shores, and ultimately the food chain

  • Significant numbers of menstrual items are also flushed down in the toilets each year, and roughly 5 pieces of menstrual waste are found per 100m of each beach cleaned

Mamotion Period Wear

Revolutionizing Your Period Experience

Designed for a better, more comfortable, more secure, more convenient & more sustainable period experience for all

Join our cause & grab a pair: With each purchase of our Mamotion® Period Wear, you're not just investing in comfort and convenience – you're making a tangible difference!


Each pair of mamotion® period wear is equivalent to the usefulness of ~360 pads

So with each mamotion® pair, you’re making a difference by reducing ~1,440 plastic bag waste in the world

Mamotion GreenTech

Sustainable Wear for the Earth

Mamotion® Green Tech Collection leverages cutting-edge sustainable textile technology to minimize environmental impact throughout the manufacturing process.

By choosing Mamotion® Green Tech, you are taking a tangible step towards our collective efforts in ensuring a better world for the future.

More specifically, you will contribute to less impact on the planet, through conservation of water, reduced energy consumption, reduced plastic waste and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.


The Difference You’ll Make


3. Empowering All with Knowledge


Even today, in many corners of the world, discussions surrounding women's health topics, such as menstruation, remain a taboo, hindering the dissemination of information crucial to maintaining basic sanitation and overall well-being. This stigma prevents vital knowledge from reaching those who need it most.

However, we believe that knowledge is power, and that every person has the right to receive access to essential knowledge about their own health, well-being, and things as normal as period.

Therefore, we're committed to breaking down barriers by gradually normalizing conversations about periods and women's health, ensuring vital information is accessible and beneficial to all who need it. Additionally, we are also dedicated to raising awareness and inspiring sustainable living practices, fostering habits that prioritize reuse, recycling, and upcycling for a kinder future to our planet.


Join our mission to improve awareness about all things health & well-being, while uncovering actionable tips for cultivating a more sustainable lifestyle for all


Become part of a community dedicated to fostering holistic wellness for all through the following channels:

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